smoke j
Hannibal’s Top 10 Games List Part 3
Hannibal’s top 10 games count down part 3
So part 3, numbers 6 down to 4. These games were probably the hardest for me to pick. My top 3 were easy and my lower 4 pretty easy. But these 3 choosing the order these would go in was hard.
Number 6
Dungeon: I can no longer tell if this is a real list or if I’m
Hannibal’s Top 10 Games part 2
Hannibal’s top 10 Audio Games part 2.
So part 2 of the count down. Originally this was going to be 10 separate articles. I ditched that idea in favour of just posting each Friday. So here we go number 9, 8 and 7.
Number 9
Entombed: World of war craft for the blind. You know assuming world of war craft was
Mine Has More Buttons Than Yours!
Hannibal’s Top 10 Audio-games
Number 10
Hannibal’s Audio games Top 10!
Does it get more clichéd then an end of year count down? Probably but never the less here we are. This will be the first of the 10 count down articles as I count down my favourite Audio-games
How it Works
Before we jump in I just want to explain that some of these games especially
QC verses RS games!
QC verses RS Games
Do you play card or dice games. Would you like to? Well perhaps 1 of these clients is exactly what you are looking for. Read on to find out more.
What are They?
Both are clients to play various games. Both offer a range of card, dice, board and word games. From chess to battle ship. You can find
Audio Description
Audio Description
If you are blind or visually impaired you have probably come across Audio Description at some point. Especially those younger readers might take for granted the amount of content that is audio described. But is it worth while? lets discuss shall we?
What is Audio Description?
Audio description is a narrator describing
Twitter : I Guess
140 characters is for chumps
Strong Language!
What happens when you drink 3 out of 4 days, wake up on Thursday and realise you have not written a single word for a blog you usually post on Fridays. Simple you post on twitter asking for a topic. Get only 1 idea. So write some bullshit on that.
Aprones Games and Software
A twitter Style Review
Aprone’s games and software : By Hannibal