6 Year Anniversary Stream of Greatness

5 hours of Guests, Giveaways, and Booze

We have plans, and they are going to be executed in a spectacular drunken fashion! The BSG six year anniversary stream is happening Saturday April 9th at 6:30pm eastern, and you won’t want to miss it. This post will go over everything including the schedule, games, guests, and giveaways. If you’ve never tuned into a BSG stream before this will be the one to start with; if you haven’t been around in a while this will be the one to come back for.

First Thank You To Everyone

Honestly none of the crazy shit we do would be possible if it wasn’t for all the people who consume the content. Whether it is guides on the main site, blog posts, or our weekly streams. It is all made possible by those who enjoy what we put out. For that I’d just like to say thank you. For those who sign up on Patreon and support the development of the websites, thank you as well. You all know you are the motivation that keeps me working on the site, and I’ll never forget that.
Now enough of the sentimental stuff, let’s talk about getting drunk and giving shit away.

When & Where To Listen or Watch

The six year anniversary stream will be starting at 6:30pm eastern time (18:3029. We are doing it a little bit later so Hannibal has some extra sleep before what will be a morning of too much alcohol for him. We are planning on 5 hours, but it very well may end up being 6 hours depending on how long certain games take.
Like with all BSG streams you can choose to listen to them on Twitch, the BSG live player, or through a m3u file.
Listen & watch on the BSG Twitch channel here.
Listen on the BSG live page here.
Download the M3U file here to listen in your media player of choice.
When we play certain games there will be an alt stream available as well. This alt stream has just the streamer’s voices without game sounds so people playing along can still listen to the stream while playing. The stream is the same just without game sounds so it isn’t confusing for those listening and also playing.
Listen to the alt stream on the BSG alt live player here.
Download the M3U file for the alt stream here.

Guests, Schedule, & Giveaways

As said above we are going to play 5 different games over 5 hours. For each game we’ll have on a guest, or multiple guests. During each game there will be a giveaway related to the game we are playing. The goal of this stream is to kick back and get a bit more loose and crazy than we normally do, and to give back to those who have been around and who have supported BSG.

6:30pm eastern: PGA 2k21

Guests: TBlaze & Boujie Basher
Giveaway: Steam key of PGA Tour 2k21
We are going to be kicking off with a relaxing game of golf. The goal is relaxing, but somehow it always gets heated. I enjoy PGA because even though golf is boring, we take the Happy Gilmore approach and make it much more fun than it has a right to be. TBlaze is always a fun time,and for the first time we are finally having on the great and powerful Boujie Basher also known as Basura Basher. They are both shanking experts if not golfing experts, and maybe we can run up a basketball score on the golf course.

7:30pm eastern Alter Aeon

Guests: Hamada & Patreons
Giveaway: 2500 Alter Aeon credits
We’ve always had patreons ask if they could be on stream, and I decided why not do it for this six year. During game night I asked those in attendance if they wanted to join, and we now have 4 confirmed, with a possible 5th. This stream is going to be complete and utter chaos, but that is what I’m looking for with it. There will be eight of us on stream…as I write that I realize it may be a horrible idea, but craziness is something I enjoy too much. The patreons so far are BlindSito, Sarah Joyce, Gruntok, Lady K, and a potential fifth.

8:30pm eastern Crazy Party

Guest: Shane Lowe
Giveaway: Scramble, STW credits, or 1 year of Swamp time.
We’ve been playing less and less of CP, but it has always been our main vehicle for giving away stuff on stream, and for that reason it is on the six year stream. Shane knows absolutely nothing about the game, but that puts him right on par with me, so all should be great fun. This will be the last game before we crank it up and truly get a touch on the wild side.

9:30pm eastern Mortal Kombat 11

Guests: BlindSito, TBlaze, and JimmyDub
Giveaway: Mk11 ultimate on Steam
We are bringing back the KOTH of chaos for the anniversary stream, and after three hours of drinking I honestly don’t know what to expect. We are handicapping BlindSito by making him play with his new fight stick, and forcing him to drink lots of alcohol to come down to our level. It probably won’t work but it should make it interesting…hopefully. TBlaze will be there for either commentating as we may be too far gone to talk and play at the same time, or if all goes well he’ll be in the KOTH and playing along with us. Dub is there ’cause he’s always up for some MK11 on PC, and no one ever knows what is going to come out of his mouth, and this amuses me. My plan is to start drinking with intention during the KOTH, and talk as much shit to everyone as is humanly possible as I lose.

10:30pm eastern Stardew Valley

Guests: Just Myself & Hannibal
Giveaway: Stardew Valley on Steam
After 4 hours of celebrating and alcohol me and Hannibal are going to sit down with one another and play Stardew together. We normally are completely vial to one another when sober, so this summary to the six year stream may also be the last stream we ever do together. If you want to laugh and maybe see the last ever game we play together on a BSG stream this will be it. Also if you would like to listen to one of us snoring in our chairs because I forgot to end the stream, this is another likely outcome.

In Summary

We want to celebrate Black Screen Gaming being around and going strong for six years, and do it with some of the people we’ve met along the way. We’re going to have some drinks, play some games we enjoy (maybe 1 I hate) and have a good time. Since it wouldn’t be a BSG event without giving back, we’ll also be giving away games to those tuned in. If you like to laugh, joke around, talk smack in chat, and enjoy yourself stop by. Have a few drinks with us for part of the stream, or be a pro and see if you can hang for the whole thing. The BSG legal expert said I now have to say I am not a doctor so don’t listen to my drinking advice.

If you like what we do here on BSG you can share the posts on Twitter or Facebook. Each share helps out a lot. Don’t forget to click the like or dislike link at the top of the page as well. You can also support BSG on Patreon, there are multiple tiers and each one helps out a whole bunch, even if you only sign up for $1 it makes a difference.
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Site creator, admin, and Top Contributor

One Reply to “6 Year Anniversary Stream of Greatness”

  1. Would it possibly be possible to write up a short tutorial on how you are able to play PGA 2k21? Putting is a huge issue for me, one round it goes fine, but the next one I always nudge the ball next to the hole and have to repeat the stroke.
    If you could put something together, that would be awesome.

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