smoke j

6 Year Anniversary Stream of Greatness

5 hours of Guests, Giveaways, and Booze

1,714 views We have plans, and they are going to be executed in a spectacular drunken fashion! The BSG six year anniversary stream is happening Saturday April 9th at 6:30pm eastern, and you won’t want to miss it. This post will go over everything including the schedule, games, guests, and

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smoke j

BSG Site Updates, Streams, & Events For August

giveaways, new releases, and some classics

This month we have a full schedule from the first to the 29th. Every genre is covered with golf, Alter Aeon, Hades, CP, and The Vale, with a patreon game night and a book club tossed in for fun. No matter what your preferred game genre is, you’ll find something you like this month whether is audio

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