
Tomb Hunter Review

The Mighty Throwing Sword!


Tomb hunter review

Now I don’t have the body or the flex ability of Lara croft. But I will put on my sexiest clothes and raid the shit out of this tomb!
It is not often that I take to reviewing games that came out years ago. Sure sometimes it happens here on the blog, but that is usually

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Kilta Review

Punch Them Really Hard!


Kilta Review by Hannibal.

If at first you don’t succeed my suggestion is to try again but harder! Actually that is my advice for life not just this game. Read more

smoke j

Hearthstone Tournament Bracket and Schedule

Shuffle My Deck Baby

The week of the first BSG hearthstone tournament is here, and it is going to be glorious. This post will go over the format, what to expect, and list all the participants. This is going to be a two day event, and I’m really looking forward to seeing some great competition. Everything will be streamed

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To The Dragon Cave Reviewed By Hannibal

Get out your diamond sword ’cause it is time to go on a quest!

1,609 views This is super simple. I was told about this game the day before it was released. I pre-ordered it, and upon its release I played it.
I Don’t really have any big interesting story for this intro, So lets dive on in to the review. I want everyone to remember, When I get to

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smoke j

6 Year Anniversary Stream of Greatness

5 hours of Guests, Giveaways, and Booze

1,711 views We have plans, and they are going to be executed in a spectacular drunken fashion! The BSG six year anniversary stream is happening Saturday April 9th at 6:30pm eastern, and you won’t want to miss it. This post will go over everything including the schedule, games, guests, and

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