
Lets be Elite


How to be pro!

I wrote an article giving help and advice on how to not suck at games. Well now it is time to take your gaming to the next level. This is how to be elite and pro as fuck!

The pro Gamer

The pro gamer. Not to be confused with the dedicated gamer. or the addicted gamer. The pro gamer doesn’t even

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Try not to suck to much!


How to not be a nube.

We have all been the new player in a game. In fact the first time we play a game we are a nube. But some people struggle with being a nube for much longer then others. So here is my guide on how to be a nubie for the shortest period of time possible.

Getting Started

Read the fucking read me!

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Forums and What Not to do on Them!


Correct use of Forums

Ok kids sit down Hannibal has a lecture for you today. No not on history and certainly not on biology. Well maybe if we have time at the end. No today we will be talking about forums.

Lets get Started

Yes forums those sess pits of fuck nuggets and dumb cunts. The places full of useful information

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Rage Quit Rage


How to Rage Quit and The Effects on A Gaming Community!

This Article is in 2 sections. The first is a an attempt to make light of Rage quitting by describing how it is done correctly. The second half is my take on people who do it and is by far the biggest rant I have posted on this blog. Language warning

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Money in Gaming Part 3


Money in Gaming part 3

So the final part in this little series about the way money can be made in gaming. This final part is about possibly the easiest way to make money. But this can also be one of the most toxic things in the gaming industry. So let us dive right in.

Where we begin

Micro-transactions and loot boxes

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Money in Gaming [part 2]

Pay to Win


Pay to win.

Right it is time to dive in to the cesspit that is pay to win. I will make no pretence here. I don’t care for pay to win so lets just get on with it.

Pay to Win

Pay to win put simply is when you gain advantages with in a game buy paying for things such as weapons, up grades, armour, skills or

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Physical Copies of Audio Books


Physical Audio Books

In the modern age Audio books can be downloaded to be played on your computer, your phone or any other playing device. But unbelievably physical copies of audio books still exist, even more shockingly at least here in Australia they are a fucking scam!


Honestly I wasn’t sure

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Money in Gaming

Pay To Play


Money In Gaming – Part 1

Yes part 1, This is going to be a 3 part series discussing the 3 most common ways developers make money from games. While also discussing the negatives and positives of these.

Method to the madness

Over the next few weeks I am going to delve in to a topic that has raged across the internet

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Character names?


Character Names:

Really this is a simple thing. Just enter a name for your character. But some people suck at it. [Looking at you Steve] So lets see if I can help with that.

What you are doing wrong

Ok if you spend more then 10 minutes thinking up a character name that is to fucking long. Just Put something in. Remember you

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