Tag: Crazy Party
What Happened to crazy Party?
5 hours of Guests, Giveaways, and Booze
this month is a wild one
So it is time for the monthly round up here on BSG. The past months have been taken up primarily by streams with some work on the main site, and this month is looking like more of the same. There may not be many streams this month because of Christmas and New Years falling on Saturdays, but the streams
giveaways, new releases, and some classics
This month we have a full schedule from the first to the 29th. Every genre is covered with golf, Alter Aeon, Hades, CP, and The Vale, with a patreon game night and a book club tossed in for fun. No matter what your preferred game genre is, you’ll find something you like this month whether is audio
A Crazy survival Party in Hell with football
Normally I just put out the streams and events schedule on the main sight and call it good. Going forward I’m going to try and put out this detailed blog post on what all we’ll be doing in the upcoming
A Challenge In Gaming
You get a trophy for reading this!
What happened to the idea of games being difficult? Why is it that if something offers a real challenge it is just seen as too hard and not worth doing?
Remember when things used to be challenging. Remember when you had to work to hear the phrase, Well done you did really well!”
I don’t
Get lucky or get better
I’ve been talking about doing live stream giveaways for a while now. After talking with Hannibal we have figured out a pretty decent plan for structuring the giveaways. This post will be archived as a page anyone can access from the main nav bar at any time. These giveaways will be recurring every month until otherwise posted.