smoke j

Twitter Outrage ep496: #AbledsAreWeird

It Really Is Not Okay


What’s the best way to deal with negative experiences you’ve had with individuals? Well if you ask someone today it is to insult and shit on a group of people you blame for those issues. Most people realize this could be confused with racism or Anti-Semitism, but we live in odd times. #AbledsAreWeird is a trending topic on twitter, and folks have mixed feelings on it. I had 0 feelings until reading 500 or so tweets and now I’m very annoyed and quite pissed off at it all. Read more


Crazy Party Mass Review


Crazy Party Mass Review

230 Minigames, 16 worlds. 1 review! Are! you! ready? Well it doesn’t matter cause here we go.


So what are we doing? This week I have reviewed all 230 minigames in Crazy party.
This was done during Beta 63 of Crazy Party. However in future I will review any future minigames

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Ready To Roll RPG Dice – review


Ready to Roll- RPG Dice

You enter a dungeon. The first thing you see is. A dragon. What do you do? I take out my phone and roll these dice!


Look i’ll be honest I know there isn’t much to this app. But I thought I might review it anyway.
I have heard a few people ask what this app is

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Anesthetic [Album] Review by Hannibal


Mark Morton – Anesthetic: A Review by Hannibal

No body really asked for them. No one cared when they were gone and absolutely no one asked for them to return. But still they are back. Hannibal’s Musical interludes!


We are back with a musical interlude and I know how happy this makes you

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How To Use A Cane!


The Mighty Cane!

Pen mighty than the sword, Cane mightier than the pen. Does that make a cane mightier than the sword? Wait what was I on about? Also who said the cane was mightier than the pen I think I just made that up. You know what never mind lets just get on with this.


A cane as a blindy you will

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Hashtag a11y

Needs More Accessibility!


Hashtag a11y

Actions speak louder than words. Some say that a Hashtag is an action made up of words. Does that mean they speak louder still.


This article is about the Hashtag a11y however I want to explain something before I jump in.
I actually wrote a completely different article full of rage and

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BitLife Review

When real life rejection just isn’t Enough.


BitLife – Review – by Hannibal

Do crime. Yes lets do A crime. Everyone grab your crime doing boots we are doing a crime! We are going to do so much of the crime. We are going to crime all over this place.


This review is Thanks to Smoke suggesting I play and review this game. So sit back

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smoke j

New Horizons, Smoke’s Review & Live Stream

Major Smoke To Ground Control


I love me some space games, but sadly there hasn’t ever been many to choose from in the audio game world. New Horizons was recently released, and I jumped all over this one the day it came out. This is a big deal to me, sometimes I’ll wait months or years before finally trying a new game. Not this time though, I’ve been playing NH every day since it’s release to make sure I had enough information for a review and not a first impression. Read more

smoke j

Twitter Outrage Episode 494, Paul Thurrott

Get your torches and pitchforks!


The blog has gone quite a while without me writing about twitter drama, but that is about to come to an end now. Blind twitter is all riled up and flipping out over something someone said on the Windows Weekly podcast. Spoiler alert, all the rage and offense is being blown out of per portion and there is 0 reason for any of it. People just seem to want to be offended, but of course I’ll show why this is all based on someone taking everything out of context to manufacture outrage. Read more