
The Biggest Lie Ever Told!


A lie beyond any other lie!

What is truth? A better question would be how far can the truth be stretched before it is no longer truth?
If truth is stretched is it still truth or does it exist in some parallel between truth and lie?
These are the questions that plague me now. Now that I know the truth and have seen through the lies. Read more

Smoke & Hannibal

Sequence Storm Dual Review & Giveaway (closed)

Clap Clap Stomp Stomp


If you follow releases in the audio gaming world you’ve more than likely heard about Sequence Storm. There has been quite a bit of talk about the game, and for good reason. It is one of the few games to be both a video game and a fully accessible audio game. The real question is how good of

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25-7 album review

Pirate Music Piracy


Lagerstein 25-7 review – by – Hannibal

Another musical review and this is time for Captain Hannibal to shine.
I am hear to review an album by a band who can be blamed for me changing my name on Teamtalk to Captain Hannibal. Read more


Circus Masters Revenge – Review


Circus Masters Revenge – Review by Hannibal

Lots of violence aimed mostly at clowns is what you can expect here.
So if you hate clowns, or if you like clowns but have no compunction about hurting them.
This is the game for you. Read more


Phrases Gamers Need To Know!


Phrases Gamers Need to Know.

Are you new to the audio games world? Perhaps you have been around a while, but every now and than you see some one say something that just doesn’t seem right.
Don’t worry my friend, Hannibal is here to help.
In another one of my amazing how to guides I am here to help you navigate the tricky world that is Internet slang used by the audiogames community. Read more


Swamp: the stamina system


Ah, Swamp. The most popular accessible online Zombie FPS game. We’ve been shooting at zombies for almost 8 years now …
Or so you’d think. Actually, we’ve been doing a lot more hammering and hacking and blocking zombies lately, according to Aprone. Read more

Smoke & Hannibal

Expanding Known Space Dual Review and Giveaway (closed)

Eat My Battleship


It is surprising the release of Expanding Known Space hasn’t made a bigger splash. There aren’t many well thought out turn-based strategy audio games for us to play. The latest release from Valiant Galaxy attempts to fill this void in the audio game world. Smoke and Hannibal are teaming up in a dual review to see if this release is a good addition to the audio game genre. There is a giveaway with this review, and All the details will be at the bottom of the post. Read more


The Blanket


The Blanket

Did you read that right? Is this really an article about a blanket? The answer to that is…no! It isn’t about a blanket! It is about the blanket!
What is the difference? Read on to find out.
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The Good the Bad and the Ugly



Welcome to The article that wasn’t meant to be. I tried writing this 3 times before I got something I was willing to publish.
The views in this article are my own. The opinions expressed here are all based on my personal experiences and do not Necessarily match those of any one else here at Black Screen gaming. Read more