The Biggest Lie Ever Told!


A lie beyond any other lie!

What is truth? A better question would be how far can the truth be stretched before it is no longer truth?
If truth is stretched is it still truth or does it exist in some parallel between truth and lie?
These are the questions that plague me now. Now that I know the truth and have seen through the lies.


You all know him! He started this blog and even some times writes articles on here.
He keeps things going with BSG from up dating the sights to cracking whips at lesser mortals like Myself and Hamada.
But is he always honest? The answer to that is no! However most would argue no one is perfect. A little white lie here and there would be fine.
I agree that would be fine if this was just a little white lie we were talking about. What we actually have is a lie so big it was never going to be hidden for ever.


The next section contains details of one of the biggest cover ups in Audio gaming history. I urge anyone disturbed by the truth that you are about to read to contact a friend or love one and just tell them how much they mean to you.
Seek support in the network of friends or family you have that can get you through this most difficult of times.

The Lie

As many of you may know Smoke used to be an admin on the game survive the Wild. During his time as Admin he created a number of areas, and they are some fine maps.
One of the early crowning jewels was a map called twin peaks. A map that many believed was just a big set of boobs. a pair of mountains with a valley between. Ice nipples sitting a top and 1 slightly larger than the other.
How I wish this was the truth. How I wish it was just that simple and we hadn’t all been hoodwinked.
The truth is the south mountain is not a mountain at all.
I know this is hard to hear, but wait more is coming…I need you all to stay with me.
Not only is the south mountain not a mountain, but it is actually a pyramid!
Smoke tried very hard, and successfully covered this fact up.
He removed parts and made it look like natural erosion so it would seem like weather had shaped this mountain.
He even claimed to be an expert in erosion to justify this being a mountain. Yet another lie.
Finally the ice that caps each mountain is the biggest part of his lie. That ice didn’t just land on the mountain. it was placed to cover up the triangular peak of the grand Pyramid below.
This lie extends even beyond this map however. As I can reveal for the first time. Smokes Throne is the trophy he gave himself. This is the reward he marked a map with because no one new the truth of his grand pyramid deception.

A petition

I am but a humble writer for a blog but I believe we can get better. We deserve better and that is why I am calling you all to arms!
If you are on Twitter Tweet @BSG_Blog and ask, nay demand the apology we all have a right too!
We want change and we want it now.
Why did you cover up our pyramid?
How long did you think you could get away with this lie?
Why did you add a second mountain that made it look like boobs?
We want answers but more than that. We want to hear you say sorry. Sorry to those you lied to. Sorry to the ones who will never be able to trust again. Sorry to the pyramid lovers and the mountain haters.


Comment below with your outrage at being lied to!

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admin and Top Contributor
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A drunk kangaroo from Australia. Nuff said.
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6 Replies to “The Biggest Lie Ever Told!

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  4. Lol, I’m happy that I scrolled through to the conclusion, I had this nagging feeling that something was fishy about that article xD.

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