
Hannibal’s 2022 New year Resolutions

Hug a Stranger


Why the fuck am I still wishing people happy new year on the 7th of January. If you didn’t say it to me on the first I couldn’t give a shit. the second…fine up to the second I will accept it. After that we all know it is a new year get over it. Happy new Year everyone! Read more


2021 End of Year Countdown [part 2]

The Final Countdown! [For 2021]


End of year countdown 2021 [part 2]

My favorite kind of article. A part to of a countdown that is a rehash of a countdown I already did. I have this blogging thing down.

Here we are the long awaited part to of my 2021 countdown.
Now it has only been 2 weeks so it really hasn’t been that long.

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Words Are Hard!

Sneaky Word Tricks!


Words are hard and fuck me if people don’t appreciate this fact more.
It isn’t 1 specific thing either, but the spelling of certain words, the length, and some times the just ridiculous nature of them. This article is going to attempt to explain just how hard words can be. So if for

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2021 End of Year Countdown! [Part 1]


Hannibal’s updated favorite games list

Games all the games, lets talk about games! ok I haven’t done much about gaming on this blog for a few months so this feels like a return to normality.


I feel like I have cheated on 2 counts here. I am bringing back the end of year countdowns which no

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Bullet For My Valentine Review


Bullet For My Valentine – Review – by Hannibal

I am going to put this first and foremost in this article so everyone understands right from the out set. I have been listening to this band for over 12 years. I have seen them every single time they have toured Australia since 2009 and I absolutely

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Top 10 Blog Posts

4 Years of the BSG Blog


Top 10 Blog Posts on BSG.

I never thought I would write the phrase. I have been writing for this blog for 4 years now. I still some how think Smoke tricked me in to doing this, but nevertheless here we are four years later, and I am still splattering brain words across the internet. Even though this

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Westopia Review

Risk Free Gambling


Westopia Review ; by ; Hannibal.

Gambling is bad kids. Don’t get hooked on gambling. But on the other hand here is a gambling game.

I realized recently that I have reviewed far more IOS games than PC games. I have a folder on my phone full of games I have played to review for the blog. I am wondering

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Swordy Quest The Review

Stick them with the pointy end


Swordy Quest Review
By Hannibal

I am putting it on the record that this is somehow the worst and best name for a game I have ever heard.

One of the down sides to writing for the BSG Blog means I have so many games on my phone. I should probably learn to delete them after I review them but that just isn’t

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