
Hannibal’s Guide to Friendly Insults


Hannibal’s Friendly Insults:

Having spent my fair share of time on Audio games. And far more time then I can believe on the receiving end of some incredibly offensive insults. I thought now was as good a time as any to try and set a few people on the path to making the gaming community a better

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Crazy Party : by : Hannibal


Crazy Party

The completely crazy game
Crazy Party. This is a game that some how manages to be both extremely simple. While also remarkably complex. Currently available in several different languages. With several different modes of play. I think the only way to talk about Crazy Party is to break

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Background Music in Audio Games


Background Music in games:

Of all the commands asked about on games. The one you will see the most is, How do you turn the music off or down?
As people first open games. Usually not bothering to read the read me provided to learn the key strokes. Often one of the first things they want to know

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Drunk Gaming!


It’s 5 O’clock somewhere!

We hear at the BSG blog support the responsible consumption of alcohol.

Since I reached legal drinking age I have enjoyed a drink now and then. But it wasn’t until several years after I reached drinking age that I discovered something amazing. Online gaming

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Blinded Guide Review

2,560 views Blinded Guide : by : L-Works
As far is simple games go. You don’t get much simpler then this. Start at 1 end and walk to the other end avoiding obstacles. The obstacles vary in size and sound. And some have the added bonus of moving to. With 3 difficulty settings, the game

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The 5 Worst Things About Audio Gamers!


Games can bring out the best in some people. You can often find people laughing and joking on online games. Friendships can be formed and even relationships. But while it can bring out the best. It also brings out the worst. So here is a list of the 5 worst things to come out of audio gamers.

5. That’s

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