
Sounds Of Eden Review


Sounds of Eden: review: by Hannibal

You step in to a world. a world unlike any other. you take a step and then another step. where are you going and what is your plan. It doesn’t matter you are here and that is all that matters.


So I can’t deny I had been hearing allot about this Audio experience

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smoke j

Doing It Right: Smoke’s Review

I’m a politically incorrect term


The Mobile gaming genre is a category I usually leave to Hannibal to review on the blog, but every so often a mobile game will come out on PC as well as IOS and Android. Doing It Right is one of these games, and I grabbed a copy to play for the blog. It’s a small simple game, but is it worth

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Curse of the Crystal Coconut review


Curse of the Crystal Coconut – by – Alestorm
Review – by – Hannibal.

Your pirate ship can eat a bag of dicks, Your pirate ship can eat a giant bag of dicks.
As I am a pirate Captain, doing this review is fitting!
Today we will be talking about the sixth studio album

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Duck’s Race Review


Duck’s Race.

Yes my feather friends we are here to talk duck racing. So if you have a duck, or are a duck I am sorry to say duck cruelty may or may not be a part of this.


Break out the duck sized whips and hope PETA don’t find out it is time to race some mother fucking ducks.

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smoke j

Smoke’s Review Of Blind Quest

I Think I Have CTE


Role playing games, they are a popular genre for a reason. Recently a new title was released in the audio gaming world. It is named Blind Quest, not exactly original, but you can’t go complaining about a title and expect people to take you serious afterwards. I’ve been playing the game,

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Circus Masters Revenge – Review


Circus Masters Revenge – Review by Hannibal

Lots of violence aimed mostly at clowns is what you can expect here.
So if you hate clowns, or if you like clowns but have no compunction about hurting them.
This is the game for you. Read more