Brandon Cross
BGT is Stifling Audio Game Development
I am not a developer, I am at best a very amateur programmer in MOO and C#. That being said, I intend to write this as a gamer, not a developer.
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Entertainment and Information
Brandon Cross
I am not a developer, I am at best a very amateur programmer in MOO and C#. That being said, I intend to write this as a gamer, not a developer.
Woven words Review!
This game offers a few firsts for me here on the blog. This is my first review of an Iphone game. It is also the first time I have reviewed a game that wasn’t designed for the blind community as its main target.
So the blog’s own Smoke put me on to this game. He apparently
Stupid Questions Part 2
Yes we are back. Apparently the sighted and to be honest possibly some blind folk are back with more stupid questions.
Honestly I had an over whelming response to my first article all about the stupid questions people ask the blind community of the world.
I originally put
Stupid questions!
Being blind has lots of different ups and downs. But sadly 1 of these is that people are likely to ask you some really stupid fucking questions. These come from so many different places and from so many different types of people. So let us discuss.
So I put the call out and wow did
The right and wrong way.
When it comes to right and wrong apparently some people like to play fast and loose with the definitions. So I am here to help out a bit.
This article is really about those people that believe they are always right about everything. Those people that have a way to do something
I’ve swung back and forth on whether I should write this blog post or not. After talking with others I’ve decided why not. My reasoning being these are old man rants after all, and there has been a nearly uncontested general consensus going around that is really bugging me.
How to be pro!
I wrote an article giving help and advice on how to not suck at games. Well now it is time to take your gaming to the next level. This is how to be elite and pro as fuck!
The pro gamer. Not to be confused with the dedicated gamer. or the addicted gamer. The pro gamer doesn’t even
Puppies, Kittens and chocolate Cake!
Who doesn’t love Puppies, they are so cute and fluffy. What about little baby kitties, so adorable and they don’t give a fuck! Final cake, cake is the best, have it when you are sad or happy. It is the good stuff. So read on for so much more about all