Liam Erven

Dusk Review

The Night time’s the Right Time



Publisher: Roberto Pelonara

Website: App Store

Platform/s: IOS

Price: Free




I took either an ethics or logic class in college that I ended up dropping after like two days because it was so boring. I remember that first day. We all sat down at our desks, and the professor asked us to tell him something

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Liam Erven

Oh Shit Review

Get Ready to be Angry. Very Angry!


Publisher: Stevo
Website: Direct Download
Price: Free
Platform/s: Windows




Get ready for a game that is so simple, yet will piss you off to no end. Get ready to rage. Get ready to curse. Get ready to smash your keyboard in pure undiluted anger.


Welcome! Survive as long as possible with

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Liam Erven

Chicken Killer Review

Let’s Choke Some Chickens


Publisher: TDL Games
Website: Audio Games Archive Page
Price: Free
Platform/s: Windows




I was thinking back to games from my past. The games from TDL games came to mind. these were games that were churned out in abundance back in 2004 to 2005. I never thought they were all that great, but I

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Liam Erven

The Great Cheese Robbery Review

Who Cut the Cheese?



Publisher: Pago Productions
Website: Official Webpage
Price: Free
Platform/s: Windows




As of this writing, this game is fairly new. It’s made by a new developper. I am always a little concerned when a new developper comes on the audiogames scene. I always ask myself a few questions. Are

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Liam Erven

My name is Liam!

I Live on the Second Floor


I’d like to take a moment to thank these poor shmucks at BSG Blog for letting me write reviews. You’d think they could find someone better to do this sort of thing, but… Well… Here I am.


So you might be wondering who is this guy? My name is Liam as I’m sure you’ve already

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