smoke j

Smoking To Vaping, My Story & The Lies

I’m not changing my name to vape-j, stop asking.


I’m known in certain circles as that cranky old guy who chain smokes all the time, and this was always pretty damn accurate, so much so I couldn’t dispute it. That is until December of 2018, when I had my last cigarette. Not everyone knows I quit smoking, I didn’t virtue signal

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The Biggest Lie Ever Told!


A lie beyond any other lie!

What is truth? A better question would be how far can the truth be stretched before it is no longer truth?
If truth is stretched is it still truth or does it exist in some parallel between truth and lie?
These are the questions that plague me now. Now that I know the truth and have seen through the lies. Read more


I won’t Write About Cake!

The cake is a lie!


I don’t want to write about cake!

Fuck cake and everything it stands for! But how good is cake I mean it is amazing but fuck cake!


Why is this a thing. Honestly how is this a thing why does this article exist. I can’t answer that. This article shouldn’t exist but it does so deal with

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