
Circus Masters Revenge – Review


Circus Masters Revenge – Review by Hannibal

Lots of violence aimed mostly at clowns is what you can expect here.
So if you hate clowns, or if you like clowns but have no compunction about hurting them.
This is the game for you. Read more


Balloon Master Review

Achievement Unlocked: Subtitle


Balloon Master Beta, Review by Hannibal.

Achievement unlocked running with safety scissors. You have found the joy of running with scissors, it is lost when they are safety scissors but you did it anyway. Read more


A one Punch Review


Rory Boxing A Review by Hannibal

Violence is never the answer. Unless the question was what is fun in video games and some times in real life.


This review was suggested by Smoke and after playing this game it seemed like a fantastic game to review here on the Blog.
Game: Rory Boxing.

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smoke j

Smoke’s review, Planet Monopoly

Where’s my stress ball?


I’m going to try and do more reviews this year and first up is monopoly planet by LimeBerry Software. We already have two versions of Monopoly put out by RS Games and QC. It’s time to see if this new release can compete with these two well established audio versions of the game. Read more

Brandon Cross

Six Ages for iOS

A review



Six Ages is the sequel to King of Dragon Pass. It is set in the world of Glorantha, and developed by A-Sharp. In Six Ages, you will guide a barbaric clan through their migration into a valley. You will see the clan through many challenges. You will have to keep your clan fed, make alliances, broker

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smoke j

Corsair k63 Wireless Gaming Keyboard Review

Free As a Bird!


Well it’s time for another hardware review, this time it is for Corsair’s new wireless mechanical gaming keyboard. In a previous post I said I would have no reason to buy a keyboard with red switches, but it turns out I was wrong. This review is going to be pretty short and sweet. I

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Brandon Cross

Game administration: A View From Both Sides



With the multitude of online games springing up, and those that have been with us for quite some time, there is a constant issue, a constant dancing companion, demanding the attention of a developer. like flying a helicopter, you need to be coordinated in all your movements, using your anti-torque pedals

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Lets be Elite


How to be pro!

I wrote an article giving help and advice on how to not suck at games. Well now it is time to take your gaming to the next level. This is how to be elite and pro as fuck!

The pro Gamer

The pro gamer. Not to be confused with the dedicated gamer. or the addicted gamer. The pro gamer doesn’t even

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