Huboodle Review By Hannibal
From the Makers of Dice World comes another set of games for your friends to tweet about far to often! Please welcome to the stage Huboodle!
Huboodle the stop, stop, stop! I am not saying another thing until something has been addressed. what the fuck is that name about! Seriously what the actual fuck! I mean imagine some one tells you to check out this awesome new game and than they spit that word at you. You would think they were having a fit.
Sorry everyone this is meant to be a review not an attack on the name lets get back on track.
Huboodle the latest offering from Appa11y who are also the makers of dice world.
Not much more can be said here so lets jump on in.
What is Huboodle
Well Huboodle for those who haven’t tried it is a collection of games. At the time of writing this 8 games are available and we will go through each one below.
the games are all different and like dice world all have been made accessible so that the blind people of the world can join in.
From Simon says a take on the classic Simon game.
To battle cats a word search game that in all honesty I am not entirely sure what the cats got involved for.
If you like word games, dice games, board games or your just really bored you will probably find something you like here.
So with out any more preamble let us dive in and talk about each of the games before we rate and talk about the app as a hole.
The games
I have know other way to do this than to just start in on each game.
Pirate Poker:
This is a draw poker machine plain and simple.
You use the in game gold to bet with. You pick how many coins you want to bet and deal the cards. You can than decide which cards you want to keep and deal the others again.
The aim is to get the best hand possible.
Don’t worry if you don’t know the poker hands a list of the hands is provided.
Word Builder:
You have to find words in a bunch of letters.
Honestly I found this game very boring. It might get better later on but in the early stages you have a few letters and you have to find very small words. Not very interesting but a time waster if you need that.
Black jack:
Does any one not know what blackjack is. Maybe. Basically try and get as close to 21 with out going over.
I am not going through the rules here. Interesting this version doesn’t allow you to split but perhaps they will add that later.
This version works well enough.
Trivia trail:
So this is a game I actually really like. You pick a category and than you have a short amount of time to answer 10 questions. if you get 1 wrong you start again.
Not much more can be said about this game. It is some fun and it works well.
Ludo Palooza:
As a kid I remember playing Ludo allot with my family. It was simple and really easy to make it accessible to me. I have always wanted an accessible version and now I have one. So it is slightly different from the way I played as a kid but only in that the board is larger.
The idea behind this game is simple. You roll a dice trying to get your pieces from the starting or home square to the safe area. Not really much to it. you need a 6 to start moving and if you land on another players piece you send it back to the start.
Simon Says:
So this is just the game Simon. For those who don’t know Simon is a memory game.
On here you have 4 tones and in the accessible version you flick up, down, left or right depending on the tone. you can also set it to animals.
So despite this being called Simon says but being the game Simon is does work quite well. You also have the option of having it speak the directions or just play the sound. I found as it got faster not having it speak worked better. So learning the sounds and playing with out speech actually was the way to go.
Battle cats:
This is a word search game. At the bottom of the screen is a list of words all pertaining to the same topic. You have a grid of letters that hide the words and you must find them. Simple tap the first letter and the last letter and the game will tell you if you have found a word or not.
The settings in the app allow you to toggle diagonal words and change the grid between 8 by 8, 10 by 10 or 12 by 12.
With many topics to pick from you could while away many an hour searching for words with a little kitty cat meowing at you every time you find a word.
You also have a few extras like letter bombs which remove letters from the board to make things easier.
Hang Man:
You will be told how many letters in a word. You than guess letters and if a letter is in the word it will tell you where in the word it is. Guess a letter that isn’t in it though and you get one step closer to making the little man hang.
Putting it all together
I personally really like this game. I think it is a nice little collection of games that can be quite entertaining.
While I don’t like games that have additional things you have to pay for I will give them the extras are cheep and you don’t actually have to pay for anything if you don’t want to. So I can’t and won’t fault them here.
While for me I can’t say all 8 games are amazing I think in the end that is just fine. It is free to download and play so even if you don’t like all 8 games that won’t take away from the fun you can have with the games you do like.
I personally love Battle Cats, Trivia Trail and ?Ludo. These were allot of fun to play while testing out this app and I look forward to playing them more over the next few weeks.
On the other hand Pirate poker, Black jack and word builder will probably not get much more play time from me.
As far as functionality goes all the games work and the lay out is pretty simple and easy to get used to.
I also want to take this moment to say how amazing a developer who made a game for sighted people to play who took the blind and visually impaired in to consideration is. Not enough of these exist so developers who do it and do it well I am happy to support!
I can’t say I have to many negatives here but I will gripe about a few things just for the sake of complaining.
Menus anyone? Honestly you will have to go through allot of menus on this game. I do wish a back to games button existed on the game screen so you didn’t have to keep clicking back.
Also I found I had some responsiveness issues with some of the buttons. Now this might have just been me but I couldn’t help but notice that in this app on a few occasions it took a few goes to hit a button.
These are my only to complaints about this though.
Honestly these games work quite well and depending on what you like you can probably have allot of fun with these little games.
8.5 out of 10
Check out Huboodle and let me know if there are other Iphone games I should check out and review.