Liam Erven

My name is Liam!

I Live on the Second Floor


I’d like to take a moment to thank these poor shmucks at BSG Blog for letting me write reviews. You’d think they could find someone better to do this sort of thing, but… Well… Here I am.


So you might be wondering who is this guy? My name is Liam as I’m sure you’ve already

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Music Reviews by Hannibal

Outlaws ‘Til The End by Devildriver


Music Reviews : By : Hannibal
DevilDriver Outlaws ‘Til the End.

She was just a little bit Country. He was just a little bit metal. They were in a movie trailer style intro for an article that had nothing to do with a movie. So lets get back to music because music.


I put up a poll asking people

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Liam Erven

Your Chance to Win Free Swamp for a Year On Saturday July 14

10-hour marathon Kicks off at 11 AM Eastern.



Join me on July 14, 2018 starting at 11 AM Eastern as I play ten straight hours of games. You can make the marathon more interactive by showing up. You can also win free Swamp for a year. Look for the link to enter the contest at the bottom of this post. Tuning in isn’t necessary, but please try

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Brandon Cross

Internet Laziness Abounds (Rant)

Google is Your Friend



Ah, the internet, that thing we all have and use in our daily life, that thing we take for granted every single day. That thing that is there for us, whenever we want to see the funniest memes, to look at people’s pics on Instagram, to see the daily lives of friends and family on Facebook and Twitter.

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Prosthetic Eyes

Where did it go?


Prosthetic Eyes

If you are blind and have a prosthetic eye you have probably said something along the lines of, “oh shit my eye fell out,” at some point in your life. This article is born from that phrase. So lets talk about some of those weird stories.


So this article has very little actual

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Brandon Cross

FlickType Review

Type Faster on iOS



Have you ever wanted a way to speed up your typing on iOS? Have you felt frustrated, or possibly bogged down with typing on the iOS keyboard? Have you tried Braille Screen Input, and found it frustrating as well? If the answer to these questions is a yes, there is a solution. It’s called FlickType.

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Mobile Gaming Month [part 5]


Mobile Gaming month [part 5]

So here we are at the end of the road. 5 articles and a month of doing nothing but playing games on my phone. I hope you people appreciate what I do to bring you these crappy articles.


I went in to this month with the perfect idea. Take a bunch of mobile games, play each one

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smoke j

Swamp’s Resurgence & What Is Coming Next?

pew pew


Once it was dead, and now it is alive. If my name was Hannibal I would insert a bad joke or pun about Swamp being a zombie game but I refuse to stoop that low. The important thing is Swamp is seeing a major resurgence in the player base. The game actually has a active group of players and the server

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Mobile Gaming Month [part 4]

Dice World


Mobile Gaming Month [part 4] Dice World

If you had a 20 sided dice and you rolled it 100 times, What are the chances that the number 17 would come up 11 times? The answer is I don’t know and I don’t care. So what was the point of asking? Well dice.


I just beat some fucker at some fucking

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