
Twitter : I Guess


140 characters is for chumps

Strong Language!

What happens when you drink 3 out of 4 days, wake up on Thursday and realise you have not written a single word for a blog you usually post on Fridays. Simple you post on twitter asking for a topic. Get only 1 idea. So write some bullshit on that.

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Hannibal’s Guide to Friendly Insults


Hannibal’s Friendly Insults:

Having spent my fair share of time on Audio games. And far more time then I can believe on the receiving end of some incredibly offensive insults. I thought now was as good a time as any to try and set a few people on the path to making the gaming community a better

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smoke j

What Is Up With Meet The Blind Month

is all this anger justified? smoke’s opinion on it all


If you are blind and pay attention to the face book pages and twitter posts of other blind people you have heard something about meet the blind month. Overall there is allot of anger about this, people are upset, and at first glance it seems rightly so. Are blind people animals to put on exhibit for everyone to come look at? Will there be tourist groups touring workplaces where blind people are busy at their jobs? What exactly is this meet the blind month, and why is this even a thing. There is no Equal for other groups of disabled people or ethnic groups. Well,, let’s unpack what exactly this “meet the blind month” is and see what it is all about. Read more


The 5 Worst Things About Audio Gamers!


Games can bring out the best in some people. You can often find people laughing and joking on online games. Friendships can be formed and even relationships. But while it can bring out the best. It also brings out the worst. So here is a list of the 5 worst things to come out of audio gamers.

5. That’s

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