
Phrases Gamers Need To Know!


Phrases Gamers Need to Know.

Are you new to the audio games world? Perhaps you have been around a while, but every now and than you see some one say something that just doesn’t seem right.
Don’t worry my friend, Hannibal is here to help.
In another one of my amazing how to guides I am here to help you navigate the tricky world that is Internet slang used by the audiogames community. Read more


The 5 Worst Things about Audio Gamers Remake


-the top 5 worst things about Audio Gamers: 2019 Remake.

Games can bring out the best in some people. You can often find people laughing and joking on online games. Friendships can be formed and even relationships. But while it can bring out the best. It also brings out the worst. So here is a list

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Rage Quit Rage


How to Rage Quit and The Effects on A Gaming Community!

This Article is in 2 sections. The first is a an attempt to make light of Rage quitting by describing how it is done correctly. The second half is my take on people who do it and is by far the biggest rant I have posted on this blog. Language warning

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The 5 Worst Things About Audio Gamers!


Games can bring out the best in some people. You can often find people laughing and joking on online games. Friendships can be formed and even relationships. But while it can bring out the best. It also brings out the worst. So here is a list of the 5 worst things to come out of audio gamers.

5. That’s

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