
Phrases Gamers Need To Know!


Phrases Gamers Need to Know.

Are you new to the audio games world? Perhaps you have been around a while, but every now and than you see some one say something that just doesn’t seem right.
Don’t worry my friend, Hannibal is here to help.
In another one of my amazing how to guides I am here to help you navigate the tricky world that is Internet slang used by the audiogames community. Read more

Liam Erven

My name is Liam!

I Live on the Second Floor


I’d like to take a moment to thank these poor shmucks at BSG Blog for letting me write reviews. You’d think they could find someone better to do this sort of thing, but… Well… Here I am.


So you might be wondering who is this guy? My name is Liam as I’m sure you’ve already

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Inside Jokes


The inside joke

Honestly this article is really some sort of open letter. Something to the people who feel the need to judge others for doing the same sort of shit they do. Read more

smoke j

What Is With All These Balls

A history of balls and where it all got started

7,302 views If you are a regular player of Survive The Wild, then you have heard allot about balls. You might even be one of the normal balls users. If you are a Swamp player, chances are you hate balls and don’t understand why all these people keep saying it. The one thing I get asked allot

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