Brandon Cross
Tag: Audio Games
Back Off George Lucas, not those clones
Hannibal’s Top 10 Audio-games
Number 10
Hannibal’s Audio games Top 10!
Does it get more clichéd then an end of year count down? Probably but never the less here we are. This will be the first of the 10 count down articles as I count down my favourite Audio-games
How it Works
Before we jump in I just want to explain that some of these games especially
Background Music in Audio Games
Background Music in games:
Of all the commands asked about on games. The one you will see the most is, How do you turn the music off or down?
As people first open games. Usually not bothering to read the read me provided to learn the key strokes. Often one of the first things they want to know
Games can bring out the best in some people. You can often find people laughing and joking on online games. Friendships can be formed and even relationships. But while it can bring out the best. It also brings out the worst. So here is a list of the 5 worst things to come out of audio gamers.
5. That’s