1 Year of the BSG Book Club

Still Going Strong


Black Screen Gaming Book Club

You might be forgiven for thinking that BSG is all about games and streams where we say mean thinks at each other and our Patreons. But it is important to remember that once a month we get together in a nice casual way and talk about books.


A year ago I posted an article all about wanting to start a book club. This article was to find out if there was interest out in the BSG world for this.
I will be honest that I had never run or been in a book club so I wasn’t sure how well it would work. But a year on and a dozen or so books later and we are still going so I thought now was a good time to post about it again.
Again I didn’t know what I was doing but now I believe I have a good idea and can maybe give a more solid pitch for the BSG Book club.

How it works.

Each month a random person from the book club is selected to pick a book for us to read.
We don’t have allot of rules about what you can pick. Most of our members like fantasy books so we do read allot of those. However it is up to you to pick a book and theoretically you can pick anything you think people would be interested to read.
The only real rules we run by are that we don’t want books that are too long. 24 hours as an audio book is the maximum length. This is a recent rule put in place.
Also you have to show up to meetings to be considered for book selection.
At the end of each meeting the next book is announced.
Access to each month book is sourced a head of time and we can help out any one who needs it either in E-book or audio formats.
The meetings themselves are recorded and stored on drop box for 2 months. This is for people who are part of the book club, but who can’t attend a meeting. This allows them to catch up on every ones thoughts on the book.

The meetings.

The meetings are held at 4:30 PM eastern on the last Sunday of every month. You can check this on the BSG schedule page but it is pretty easy to remember.
The meetings follow a pretty simple format.
We start by asking the basic questions. did you read the book and did you enjoy it?
After that we discuss first the things we did like and the things we didn’t like.
This can be everything from characters, plot points, twists, themes or even just the pacing or structure of the book.
Finally if sequels exist we always ask the question will you read the sequels. This is never required reading but can be interesting to know if people enjoyed a book enough to read others in there series.
We then announce the following months book and ask if any one has read anything interesting during the last month. Several members read quite a bit so while they might not be picking the next months book they may have suggestions for other books you might like to read at your leisure.

Keeping in touch.

Our meetings are held on Team Talk in the Book Club channel on the BSG TT server. However during the month any info for the book club is posted on discord.
Our members get given access to the book club channel on discord which allows them to read announcements for the book club, post anything interesting about books they would like, and also find out what the next book is should they miss the meeting.

New Members.

The Book club has been going strong now for just over a year but new members are always welcome.
If you would like to join or have any questions you wish to ask before joining please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
You can contact me @CaptainHannibal or the blog @BSG_Blog on Twitter.
You can also message myself or Smoke on Discord or send either of us a homing pigeon.


Please remember to check who is closer before sending your homing Pigeon.
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A drunk kangaroo from Australia. Nuff said.
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