smoke j

Twitter Outrage: episode 493

It Isn’t Given, It Is Taken


Every so often something pops up on Twitter that makes me shake my head. Something I can’t wrap my brain around. These things tend to snowball and gain more steam as more people pile on. This recently happened and I wanted to call attention to it. Read more

smoke j

Lets Talk Podcasts!

What is a pod and why is it being casted anyway?


It’s 2018 and yet some people don’t listen to podcasts. I know it is quite amazing and rather confusing to those of us who listen every week. This post is just going to be a simple one where I self indulge and go through some of my favorites. Hopefully you haven’t heard of some

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smoke j

Old Man’s Rants, The Twitter API

I’ll take how to piss everyone off for 1000 Alex


Well it’s been a while but it is time for another old man rant. You might of seen this coming, there has been lots of reaction in the blind community to all this Twitter stuff. Surprise surprise I have an opinion on it and I’m going to spew it all over your screen right now.
I’ll be following my normal format in these posts. First a ranty bit followed by me stepping back and looking at the issue with a clear head, then a conclusion to end the post. Read more

smoke j

A New Podcast, Not Enough Duct Tape

What would be enough?


Most everyone has their podcasts they enjoy listening to. I’m a bit of a junkie when it comes to consuming as many as I can. Not as many people know the blog’s own Hannibal is a co-host of a new weekly podcast he has been working on for a few months now. Hannibal and Kane, another audio gamer you may of heard of host the show. Read more

smoke j

Old Man’s Rants, Spelling and Grammar

these wordy things cause so many problems

4,095 views Recently I posted on twitter my plans to start a opinion series dealing with some issues that catch my interest in the blind community. These aren’t specifically blind only topics, but rather issues which pop up in our little community. I don’t notice all of them, but when

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smoke j

Why I Am Moving On From STW

All Good Things Come To An End

4,096 views If you don’t play Survive The Wild you can move on and not bother reading this post. It is time for a new era in my gaming life to move on and proceed to the next chapter. In case you haven’t heard yet, I stepped down from my role as a master on STW. There are many reasons

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smoke j

What Is Up With Meet The Blind Month

is all this anger justified? smoke’s opinion on it all


If you are blind and pay attention to the face book pages and twitter posts of other blind people you have heard something about meet the blind month. Overall there is allot of anger about this, people are upset, and at first glance it seems rightly so. Are blind people animals to put on exhibit for everyone to come look at? Will there be tourist groups touring workplaces where blind people are busy at their jobs? What exactly is this meet the blind month, and why is this even a thing. There is no Equal for other groups of disabled people or ethnic groups. Well,, let’s unpack what exactly this “meet the blind month” is and see what it is all about. Read more