
Voyage Album Review

Not Metal Review

Voyage: Album by the longest Johns.
Review By Hannibal.

Good evening, aren’t we lucky to be here right now, and I can’t remember when the sun went down. We’ll be lucky if there’s a bar in town that welcomes us tonight, but there is money in our pockets and the Llandogers in sight. Read more


Tomb Hunter Review

The Mighty Throwing Sword!


Tomb hunter review

Now I don’t have the body or the flex ability of Lara croft. But I will put on my sexiest clothes and raid the shit out of this tomb!
It is not often that I take to reviewing games that came out years ago. Sure sometimes it happens here on the blog, but that is usually

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Kilta Review

Punch Them Really Hard!


Kilta Review by Hannibal.

If at first you don’t succeed my suggestion is to try again but harder! Actually that is my advice for life not just this game. Read more