Aaron Hewitt
Tag: Gaming
Aaron Hewitt
A player’s Perspective On The Effects Of Cheating
Oh How It Responds To My Every Touch
Allot of us have played or are currently playing audio games on a standard desktop or laptop keyboard. With headsets or a computer it is fairly easy to see how much difference they can make in the quality of your play and the overall experience. It is more difficult to see how this can
Can you hear me now?
In the first post in this series I went into detail on what to look for when buying a computer, and the types of computer owners. In this one I’m going to drill down on the different brands of headsets and what all goes into deciding on one. There is a huge amount of choices
Hannibal’s Guide to Friendly Insults
Hannibal’s Friendly Insults:
Having spent my fair share of time on Audio games. And far more time then I can believe on the receiving end of some incredibly offensive insults. I thought now was as good a time as any to try and set a few people on the path to making the gaming community a better