smoke j

The Great Toy Robbery 2.0, Smoke’s Review

Naughty Naughty


You may of heard, The Great Toy Robbery has been rewritten in python and in the process the game has undergone a lot of changes. It’s time for me to go find my reviewer hat and give this game a spin. I’ll be both reviewing and comparing it to the last version released. Spoiler, if you liked the last version you’ll like this one more. If you didn’t like the last version I think you’ll end up liking this one. Read more

smoke j

Christmas Live Stream & Giveaways

wear your lucky underwear


This Wednesday (December 19, 2018) the day after this post is published there will be a BSG Crazy Party live stream. We will go live at 5:00 pm eastern time. We’ll be doing 2, maybe 3 giveaways during the live stream for those listening. Below are all the details for the giveaway.

You can check

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Hannibal’s End of Year Brain Dump


Hannibal’s end of year brain dump!

So here we are the final Friday of 2017. I have posted every Friday since Smoke asked if I would like to be a contributor but this is the first Friday I have not had a clue what I was going to write. So any way here goes.

An Idea Dump

I have spent the last few days asking people

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