What would be enough?
Most everyone has their podcasts they enjoy listening to. I’m a bit of a junkie when it comes to consuming as many as I can. Not as many people know the blog’s own Hannibal is a co-host of a new weekly podcast he has been working on for a few months now. Hannibal and Kane, another audio gamer you may of heard of host the show. They cover anything and everything they can think of, and are planning on having guests on to round out the show. This post won’t be too long, I just want to get the word out about the podcast and give everyone a little bit more information about it.
What Exactly Is It About?
Anything and everything, that is the best way to sum it all up. Hannibal makes a solid effort to add some organization with some moderate success. The format is very loose and conversational, just two guys shooting the shit and hopefully making you laugh along the way. Everyone who reads the blog knows Hannibal’s style by his posts. You can expect more of that in the podcast along with more of the same from Kane. The one question everyone may have is why the title “Not Enough Duct Tape”, I honestly have no clue and I wouldn’t be surprised if the two hosts don’t have a reasonable answer either. When you look at the name of the podcast and the topics of their first episode it sums up the entire podcast. Not Enough Duct Tape episode 01 Missiles, Movies and My Space. Random much?
If you enjoy Hannibal’s post on the blog then you should also enjoy the podcast. It isn’t all that long, the first episode is under 15 minutes long. The second one is double that still only a half hour. I tweak the speed a bit on everything I listen to making it a quick and enjoyable listen. This isn’t one of those shows that take hours to listen to. Rather it’s just a nice bite size snack you can enjoy, and easily fit into your listening schedule.
Where can I Find The Podcast
Currently it is only on Youtube, but hopefully it will be branching out into other places for you to download. It is audio only, but Youtube provides a easy interface both for the creator and consumer. The best way to keep up to date on episodes is subscribing to the NEDT Podcast Youtube Channel and by following @NEDT_podcast on twitter. If you would like to listen to their latest episode you can find it at the bottom of this post or you can Listen to episode 02 here. If you are like me and just want to listen to it on Foobar or another desktop media player the actual URL is https://youtu.be/7nttLV2sy5A.
Setting aside my support for a fellow blog contributor. You do need to realize they are just starting out and there may be a couple rough spots as they find their stride. Honestly this is the case for every podcast. If you go back and listen to the first Adam Carolla show, or Joe Rogan Experience the episodes really are rough around the edges. Now I’m not saying Hannibal and Kane are going to be the next ACS or JRE, but with every episode released it will get better as they find their rhythm. Though it is just starting out, I can already tell with some time it will be a nice polished humorous show for everyone to enjoy. The two episodes they have out so far have a charming feel of a host Hannibal, who grabbed a random homeless person as a co-host Kane. I’m sure it wasn’t intended this way, but it makes me laugh nevertheless hearing Hannibal try to guide the conversation with his pre thought out topics while Kane just try’s to follow along. For me this is funny as hell, but maybe I’m the weird one.
Everyone knows by now the best way for anything to grow is by people sharing and telling others. Like with the blog the best way to do this for their podcast is by liking their videos on Youtube, sharing it on Twitter or Facebook, and generally getting the word out about it. Without anyone listening this is only two mildly insane guys talking to themselves and recording it for questionable reasons. If people are listening then it becomes a show. I have a source that tells me I may be appearing on one of their next couple episodes as well, so of course you need to subscribe to them and get ready for that gem.