smoke j

Twitter Outrage Episode 494, Paul Thurrott

Get your torches and pitchforks!


The blog has gone quite a while without me writing about twitter drama, but that is about to come to an end now. Blind twitter is all riled up and flipping out over something someone said on the Windows Weekly podcast. Spoiler alert, all the rage and offense is being blown out of per portion and there is 0 reason for any of it. People just seem to want to be offended, but of course I’ll show why this is all based on someone taking everything out of context to manufacture outrage. Read more

smoke j

Lets Talk Podcasts!

What is a pod and why is it being casted anyway?


It’s 2018 and yet some people don’t listen to podcasts. I know it is quite amazing and rather confusing to those of us who listen every week. This post is just going to be a simple one where I self indulge and go through some of my favorites. Hopefully you haven’t heard of some

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smoke j

A New Podcast, Not Enough Duct Tape

What would be enough?


Most everyone has their podcasts they enjoy listening to. I’m a bit of a junkie when it comes to consuming as many as I can. Not as many people know the blog’s own Hannibal is a co-host of a new weekly podcast he has been working on for a few months now. Hannibal and Kane, another audio gamer you may of heard of host the show. Read more