
Hashtag a11y

Needs More Accessibility!


Hashtag a11y

Actions speak louder than words. Some say that a Hashtag is an action made up of words. Does that mean they speak louder still.


This article is about the Hashtag a11y however I want to explain something before I jump in.
I actually wrote a completely different article full of rage and

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smoke j

Twitter Outrage Episode 494, Paul Thurrott

Get your torches and pitchforks!


The blog has gone quite a while without me writing about twitter drama, but that is about to come to an end now. Blind twitter is all riled up and flipping out over something someone said on the Windows Weekly podcast. Spoiler alert, all the rage and offense is being blown out of per portion and there is 0 reason for any of it. People just seem to want to be offended, but of course I’ll show why this is all based on someone taking everything out of context to manufacture outrage. Read more


out dated or not accessible


Accessibility verses change.

You all love rants right? Of course you do and I know a few people like reviews. Well get ready here is the final step the ramble!


So we all know there is 2 sides to every story. Well I mean some can have more sides and well actually a story is usually 1 side you know what

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Brandon Cross

FlickType Review

Type Faster on iOS



Have you ever wanted a way to speed up your typing on iOS? Have you felt frustrated, or possibly bogged down with typing on the iOS keyboard? Have you tried Braille Screen Input, and found it frustrating as well? If the answer to these questions is a yes, there is a solution. It’s called FlickType.

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