
Duck’s Race Review


Duck’s Race.

Yes my feather friends we are here to talk duck racing. So if you have a duck, or are a duck I am sorry to say duck cruelty may or may not be a part of this.


Break out the duck sized whips and hope PETA don’t find out it is time to race some mother fucking ducks.

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10 things to do in Self Isolation.


10 things to do in self isolation.

Now I am not saying that these are the only 10 things you can do. But this is a list of 10 things you could do while self isolating.


Hannibal is back bitches and with that comes an article that everyone wants.
By everyone I mean pretty much no one. and by wants

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smoke j

Smoke’s Review Of Blind Quest

I Think I Have CTE


Role playing games, they are a popular genre for a reason. Recently a new title was released in the audio gaming world. It is named Blind Quest, not exactly original, but you can’t go complaining about a title and expect people to take you serious afterwards. I’ve been playing the game,

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smoke j

Smoking To Vaping, My Story & The Lies

I’m not changing my name to vape-j, stop asking.


I’m known in certain circles as that cranky old guy who chain smokes all the time, and this was always pretty damn accurate, so much so I couldn’t dispute it. That is until December of 2018, when I had my last cigarette. Not everyone knows I quit smoking, I didn’t virtue signal

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smoke j

Gamer Types, Games, & Recognizing The Truth

Life Your Life


When it comes to gaming communities there always seems to be some sort of conflict at all time. Sometimes this is in the background, other times it takes priority. The audio gaming world is no exception. This blog post is about something I’ve seen pop up from time to time, something I’ve

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