How About A Book Club?


Who Likes Books?

Just letting you all know that at some point in this article I am going to talk about Harry Potter. It might only be in 1 sentence but it is going to happen.


The Black screen Gaming Blog Book Club. Or the BSGBBC for short. OK we might have issues with that name.
Well name pending book club is an idea that has actually been kicking around for a while here at BSG.
So to bring it to life I wanted to gain the thoughts of the community and find out if there is a place for such a thing.

But Why

Before I get in to how it will work I just wanted to take a moment to explain why I personally want to do this.
I am sure plenty of you out in this wonderful world read books. Some of you might find this is enough.
If you are like me this isn’t quite enough. Just reading a book doesn’t always leave me truly happy. What I want is a place I can go where people have all read the same book or books as me so we can talk about the books. Talk about the themes, the characters, the ending, the good parts and the bad parts.
So this is why I want to start up this little book club.

How it Will Work

At the start of each new month we will post a new article on the BSG Blog.
It will contain.
The new book or books that the club members should read for that month.
The time and date for that months meeting or meetings.
As well as any other information that we need or want to give our members.
Any members that need help getting a copy of the books will only have to speak to some one here at BSG and we will do all we can to help you get a copy to read.

The Meetings

Each month we will have at least one meting to discuss the book. It will be held near the end of the month to give members a few weeks to read the new book. We may do more than one meting if it turns out time zones could be an issue. However members are welcome to attend multiple Meetings to join in the discussion as many times as they like.
Who ever is hosting the meting will have ideas and thoughts on the book for the group to discuss, But everyone is encouraged to bring there own thoughts and ideas to the Meetings each month.
These gatherings will be informal but we will ask every one attending to be respectful of each and everyone else in attendance.

Getting Involved

The first thing you can do if you want to be involved is to contact myself or SmokeJ in anyway you see fit.
Fill free to leave a comment down below, Tweet or DM either of us on Twitter, we both have skype or any other way you can think of. Let us know you would like to be involved so we can determine if there is enough interest to go ahead with our Book Club.
Let us know if there is any ideas you have for us that would make you want to be a part of this.
Should there be a skype or Whatsap group?
Do you want us to pick the books or should members be able to pick them as well?
Should Meetings be recorded for those who aren’t there to listen back too?
What should we call this book club?

Final Thought

No we won’t be reading Harry Potter for our first book. See told you it would get talked about.
Seriously let us know if you want to see a BSG book Club Started.

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A drunk kangaroo from Australia. Nuff said.
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