smoke j

The 6th BSG Singing Competition Is Live!

warm up them pipes and belt it out!


Nothing we do compares to the BSG Singing Competitions, and it is time to announce the 6th installment! Last time we had a whopping 101 entries, and I’m scared to call for more, but I think we can do it again and set a new record! That is 101 people recording and submitting songs through 4 different categories all competing for part of a $600 pot. It is time to stop hesitating and warm up them pipes, it all starts now! Read more

smoke j

Vote on What Song Smoke & Hannibal Sing

Choose our path for the 6th singing competition

Something we’ve done for the previous 5 BSG Singing Competitions is our duet. A beautifully horrible song me and Hannibal sing. This year we’ll be putting it up for a public vote instead of picking it ourselves, or allowing the highest bidder to choose it. Read on to see how it will work and to

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smoke j

The First Ever BSG Hearthstone Invitational

pick ’em up and lay ’em down


I have been thinking We need a gaming tournament, and what better game to do this on than Hearthstone? So lets make it happen! Consider this the official announcement of the second BSG Hearthstone tournament, and the first BSG Hearthstone invitational. I like how it sounds all fancy when put like that. We are going to make this fun with some unique deck building rules, and of course a pot for everyone to compete for. Read on for who is participating, what the rules are, prize amounts, when it is happening, and everything in between. Read more

smoke j

The 5th BSG Singing Competition Stream Schedules, Song Listings, & Special Performances

101 songs is a lot of songs…

You all did it! we have 101 songs for the 5th BSG singing Competition…this is so insaine. Every prize was unlocked! Now all that’s left is to listen to the songs live on stream with everyone else. Read on for all the stream details, song order, and special song surprises.

Quick Info

  • Total entries: 101.
  • Solo Entries by category: 59 solo good category submissions, and 26 solo bad category submissions.
  • Duet entries by category: 12 good duets, and 4 bad duets.
  • Total prize pool: $600.
  • Good Category Stream starting time: Friday April 5th at 5:00pm eastern.
  • Bad Category Stream starting time: Saturday April 6th at 5:00pm eastern.
  • Where to listen: The BSG Twitch Page.
  • Also streamed on the BSG Facebook Page.

Detailed Streaming schedule and notes

Since we got over 40 total

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smoke j

The 5th BSG Singing Competition with $600 in Prizes Is Now Open!

We love the best good and the worst bad singers equally


It has been a while, but we are back with the 5th BSG Singing Competition with $600 in cash to give away! Everyone’s favorite singing event where we appreciate both good and bad singers equally is officially open with the publication of this post, so read on for all the details, then get to picking your song and amazing us with your beautiful or horrible singing. We want this one to be the biggest yet, so don’t hesitate to share the competition around, and encourage others to join the party. Lets go! Read more