
The sad State of Audio Games


The state of Audio Games

I will put this disclaimer early on. These are my opinions and even though they are facts, I will pretend like it is all just opinion and that it is just fine if you want to disagree.


I sat on the fence for quite a while deciding if I should attempt to write this article at

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Single Player is the Worst!



Single Player is the Worst!

This is a short rant written in the early hours of the morning when I should be sleeping. Enjoy.


So I had planned to review 2 new games released by GMA games. But one wouldn’t work on my computer and the other while I did play it made me write this instead of a review.

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Brandon Cross

Internet Laziness Abounds (Rant)

Google is Your Friend



Ah, the internet, that thing we all have and use in our daily life, that thing we take for granted every single day. That thing that is there for us, whenever we want to see the funniest memes, to look at people’s pics on Instagram, to see the daily lives of friends and family on Facebook and Twitter.

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smoke j

Old Man’s Rants, The Twitter API

I’ll take how to piss everyone off for 1000 Alex


Well it’s been a while but it is time for another old man rant. You might of seen this coming, there has been lots of reaction in the blind community to all this Twitter stuff. Surprise surprise I have an opinion on it and I’m going to spew it all over your screen right now.
I’ll be following my normal format in these posts. First a ranty bit followed by me stepping back and looking at the issue with a clear head, then a conclusion to end the post. Read more