smoke j

Twitter Outrage ep496: #AbledsAreWeird

It Really Is Not Okay


What’s the best way to deal with negative experiences you’ve had with individuals? Well if you ask someone today it is to insult and shit on a group of people you blame for those issues. Most people realize this could be confused with racism or Anti-Semitism, but we live in odd times. #AbledsAreWeird is a trending topic on twitter, and folks have mixed feelings on it. I had 0 feelings until reading 500 or so tweets and now I’m very annoyed and quite pissed off at it all. Read more

smoke j

Twitter Outrage: episode 493

It Isn’t Given, It Is Taken


Every so often something pops up on Twitter that makes me shake my head. Something I can’t wrap my brain around. These things tend to snowball and gain more steam as more people pile on. This recently happened and I wanted to call attention to it. Read more