Get out your diamond sword ’cause it is time to go on a quest!
I Don’t really have any big interesting story for this intro, So lets dive on in to the review. I want everyone to remember, When I get to
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Entertainment and Information
smoke j
The Mobile gaming genre is a category I usually leave to Hannibal to review on the blog, but every so often a mobile game will come out on PC as well as IOS and Android. Doing It Right is one of these games, and I grabbed a copy to play for the blog. It’s a small simple game, but is it worth
Brandon Cross
Six Ages is the sequel to King of Dragon Pass. It is set in the world of Glorantha, and developed by A-Sharp. In Six Ages, you will guide a barbaric clan through their migration into a valley. You will see the clan through many challenges. You will have to keep your clan fed, make alliances, broker
Brandon Cross
Have you ever wanted a way to speed up your typing on iOS? Have you felt frustrated, or possibly bogged down with typing on the iOS keyboard? Have you tried Braille Screen Input, and found it frustrating as well? If the answer to these questions is a yes, there is a solution. It’s called FlickType.
I know it has been around for a good bit of time, but like with most things I took my time deciding to give it a chance. I have finally made an attempt at HQ Trivia however, and have a short little review and how to for the game. This will be a text review and after that I’ll have a recording of me playing as an example of how the game works.