smoke j

A Good Voice and Game Recording Setup

Break the Loop!


Christmas just ended and folks might have some cash they want to spend. If getting a decent affordable recording setup is in your plans, this might help you decide. I’ll go through what I use along with what you can do to break the Yeti loop everyone gets stuck in. This is a blog post I’ve been meaning to write for a while now. I recently received an email asking me what I use for recording my audio guides, so I decided to go ahead and finally get this published. Read more

smoke j

Corsair k63 Wireless Gaming Keyboard Review

Free As a Bird!


Well it’s time for another hardware review, this time it is for Corsair’s new wireless mechanical gaming keyboard. In a previous post I said I would have no reason to buy a keyboard with red switches, but it turns out I was wrong. This review is going to be pretty short and sweet. I

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