smoke j

The Great Toy Robbery 2.0, Smoke’s Review

Naughty Naughty


You may of heard, The Great Toy Robbery has been rewritten in python and in the process the game has undergone a lot of changes. It’s time for me to go find my reviewer hat and give this game a spin. I’ll be both reviewing and comparing it to the last version released. Spoiler, if you liked the last version you’ll like this one more. If you didn’t like the last version I think you’ll end up liking this one. Read more

smoke j

Christmas Live Stream & Giveaways

wear your lucky underwear


This Wednesday (December 19, 2018) the day after this post is published there will be a BSG Crazy Party live stream. We will go live at 5:00 pm eastern time. We’ll be doing 2, maybe 3 giveaways during the live stream for those listening. Below are all the details for the giveaway.

You can check

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smoke j

Site Updates and Patreon

blame hannibal

It’s all Hannibal’s fault. Well it might not be but it makes me feel better to blame him for it.

The short of it:
Amazon sent me an email saying my site violated their terms of conduct, so there is no United States Amazon affiliates anymore. It is still active for Canada but not the states.

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smoke j

Twitter Outrage: episode 493

It Isn’t Given, It Is Taken


Every so often something pops up on Twitter that makes me shake my head. Something I can’t wrap my brain around. These things tend to snowball and gain more steam as more people pile on. This recently happened and I wanted to call attention to it. Read more

smoke j

Feer an IOS game Review & Giveaway

My thumbs hurt


If you have been living under a rock for the past week or so then you might not be aware of the new IOS game Feer. This will be a review of the game along with my personal thoughts. Of course there will be a giveaway for the game as well, check the bottom of the post to get entered into the drawing. There will also be a link at the bottom to check out a livestream from earlier today. Read more

smoke j

Corsair k63 Wireless Gaming Keyboard Review

Free As a Bird!


Well it’s time for another hardware review, this time it is for Corsair’s new wireless mechanical gaming keyboard. In a previous post I said I would have no reason to buy a keyboard with red switches, but it turns out I was wrong. This review is going to be pretty short and sweet. I

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smoke j

Swamp’s Resurgence & What Is Coming Next?

pew pew


Once it was dead, and now it is alive. If my name was Hannibal I would insert a bad joke or pun about Swamp being a zombie game but I refuse to stoop that low. The important thing is Swamp is seeing a major resurgence in the player base. The game actually has a active group of players and the server

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