smoke j

Blog Wide Giveaway open to all

Register, follow on twitter, and win!

2,330 views We here at the BSG Blog are doing a giveaway for everyone. Anyone can join, and it is really simple to make sure you have a chance to win. There is a pretty wide assortment of prize choices, hopefully enough to cover all types of gaming on all platforms. So what do you have to do to

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smoke j

What Is Up With Meet The Blind Month

is all this anger justified? smoke’s opinion on it all


If you are blind and pay attention to the face book pages and twitter posts of other blind people you have heard something about meet the blind month. Overall there is allot of anger about this, people are upset, and at first glance it seems rightly so. Are blind people animals to put on exhibit for everyone to come look at? Will there be tourist groups touring workplaces where blind people are busy at their jobs? What exactly is this meet the blind month, and why is this even a thing. There is no Equal for other groups of disabled people or ethnic groups. Well,, let’s unpack what exactly this “meet the blind month” is and see what it is all about. Read more

smoke j

What Is With All These Balls

A history of balls and where it all got started

7,257 views If you are a regular player of Survive The Wild, then you have heard allot about balls. You might even be one of the normal balls users. If you are a Swamp player, chances are you hate balls and don’t understand why all these people keep saying it. The one thing I get asked allot

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