Guest Contributors Submission

become a BSG contributor!

Information for submitting

If you are interested in being a Contributor on the blog, you can submit a post via this form. We will contact you after submission, and if the post is accepted it will be put up with full credit given to the author. This allows anyone to work on their own posts on their own time, and if they contribute on a regular basis they will be moved up to a permanent blog contributor. Make sure you use unique post titles, or they might be changed to better reflect the spirit of the post. Any editing of the actual post will be done by the author. If you submit a post it will not be edited without you knowing and posted, this would just be ungood and a bad practice so of course we wouldn’t do that. The hope is to get more people to contribute and express their thoughts on the blog. Not all submissions will be published, but no ideas will ever be stolen, there are no worries about that.

Submission form

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